"Preparation is half the battle won."

Narining mo na ba to before?
If hindi pa, let me show you how it works.

Two classmates will be having their term exams in a week. They both have two choices; either study for it or just chill and do nothing. The first one studies for it and the other just chills. Then the term exam comes. Can you guess who aced the exams? You're right. The one who studied.

Simple, isn't it?

But not everyone does it. You see, you can't just become great overnight. It will take a lot of preparation before you get to where you wanna go. You wanna be a great athlete? You gotta prepare. You wanna excel in your academics, You gotta prepare as well. You want your business to become a success? You got to prepare. You wanna have a great future? YOU. HAVE. TO. PREPARE. FOR. IT.

Yeah. There's no other way around it. This is how successful people succeed. They prepare. They plan. And they work on it every single day. Absolutely no days off. Because this is the only way to succeed. You gotta be obsessed with it. You have to make it a part of your lifestyle if you want to have a change in your life, or if you wanna make a big impact to the world. There is no crystal staircase to success. You're going to face challenges. You're gonna feel down. You're going to want to give up. You're gonna wanna die. But most importantly, you're gonna get there. You're gonna achieve whatever it is that you wanna have. Only if you put your mind to it, and only if you dedicate yourself to being better every single day, will you achieve your personal success.

Prepare to fail. Prepare to get ridiculed. Prepare to be discouraged by people who don't understand what you're trying to achieve. But most importantly, prepare to succeed! Because I know you have it in you. I know you're capable of something. I know you're not a quitter. I know you're a survivor! So I want you to do something today. After you read this, I want you to get off this. I want you to go out there and PREPARE yourself for success. Gear up, suit up and prepare! And make the rest of your life, the best of it.

This is NJ signing out, until next MONDAY!

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